Thursday 2 January 2014


I survived 2013! *jumpsforjoy* A couple days before new year's eve, I had a pretty good and honest sit-down with myself to evaluate how I faired the year. It was an intense heart-to-heart / one-on-one time, making myself come to terms with my flaws and taking pride in my moments. I really can't wait to embark on the mental journey I planned out and wish nothing but success to me. 

Told myself that if even if I don't get to where I want, things don't unfold like how I want it to be, or get stuck half-way and lose my sense of self-direction, I'll always try to remind myself that I am braver than I believe, stronger than I seem and smarter than I think because tomorrow waits for nobody. ♡ 

On to more celebratory news, my new year's eve was splendid! Had a ball of a time stuffing my face at my new favourite steamboat place with Rafi, which is super cheap and sedap, (I kid you not) a couple hours before midnight, then made our way to this really good spot (thanks to my navigator of a boyfriend) for the fireworks display.

And at 11:59:59, as the crowd counted down to 1 and the fireworks came bursting in the sky, he grabbed my waist, held my face with the other, gave me the most intense split-second gaze, whispered "I love you" and kissed the start of my year hello! He gave my mind its own fireworks display! *Swoons* I'm literally having goosebumps typing this out while re-calling that movie-magic moment! 😍 Alright, you can proceed to vomit your guts out from this mush! Pardonnez-moi! 

To be honest, my 2013 was subpar. Didn't accomplish as much as I thought the over-ambitious me could have, though. I didn't have that much prize moments but it had pieces of everything put together so I guess it's not half bad. I did grow and learn a lot though, which is always something to look forward to. I'm thankful for the good, the bad and the ugly that's passed and I'm really looking forward to embracing the things I've neglected. I hope I'll pull through the year in one piece with (more) things checked off my list. Here's to all the magical things life can bring; Vous vivez seulement une fois! XO!

Monday 2 December 2013

Tis' ze season to be jolly!

I'm loving the chilly ala faux winter that we have in Singaland every last quarter of the year, cos it's cuddle weather till New Year's Day! And I get extra cuddles and kisses just because. Teehee! 

But seriously, 2014 is just a couple weeks away homaigad. *insert screaming face emoji* Time to start making new resolutions that will never get crossed off the list and plan to make plans as a plan, you feel me? And just like my fellow romantics, we'll be waiting for that kiss at midnight! Right at 3..2...*smooch* Ahhhh~  
I've yet to make any resolutions, I don't think I'll make any this year, or will I? Hehehe but I want to take this moment to be thankful for all the things that happened this year. Be it the good, the bad and the fat ((LOL) I am so funny these days!) I'm extremely thankful every year for the people that complete me; my dysfunctional and loving family, my crazy Sinners, my bestest friend in the whole wide world, my boy's boys and my oh so darling boy! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Life has been such a peach with these beautiful people that has shaped me to this very day, impacting every decision and choices I make, loving me in goods time and bad, including the fats, and being family to me. ♥️ Happy December y'all! May the last month of the year bring yuletide joy and nothing but love to you! xx